It’s no secret that Americans are fleeing blue states for the greener pastures of red states. Residents are particularly fleeing California as radical policies contribute to skyrocketing crime, high costs of living, and abusive taxes. Where are they going? The state at the top of the list, is Florida.
Desperate, Gov. Newsom of California released an ad criticizing Florida. Despite the fact that California is driving people away by the thousands, he claimed Florida doesn’t offer Americans true freedom. Now, the governor of Florida is slapping back, calling out the left’s miserable poster child.
Responding to accusations made by California Gov. Gavin Newsom in a campaign ad criticizing him, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says Newsom treated Californians “like peasants” during nearly two years of COVID-19 lockdowns…
“Well, look, everyone wants to talk about me and Florida. I’m just sitting here little ‘ol me doing my job,” he said smiling…
DeSantis said, “I was born and raised in this state. And until the last few years, I rarely if ever saw a California license plate in the state of Florida. You now see a lot of ‘em. I can tell you if you go to California, you ain’t seeing very many Florida license plates.
“As he was locking down his citizens,” DeSantis said of Newsom, “he would then go and have these extravagant dinners at the French Laundry to basically rub his citizens’ noses in the fact that he was treating them like peasants.
“In Florida, we weren’t locking them down, we were lifting our people up.” [Source: Just the News]
Gov. DeSantis fired back after Gavin Newsom aired ads insulting the state of Florida. He pointed out that while Florida was open for most of 2020, California kept its people locked down for nearly two years.
Meanwhile, Newsom was seen partying at restaurants that had been closed to the public.
DeSantis accused Newsom and his government of treating California residents as peasants. It’s not just California.
Blue states across the map shut down businesses, restaurants, schools, and even churches… for nearly two years or more. Even when they did reopen, they forced Americans to get untested vaccines or wear face masks for years.
Americans were forced to obey the whim of politicians who had no idea what they were doing. And if you complained, if you dared open your mouth, you were treated like the villain.
It’s pretty pathetic how Newsom, who is watching his state circle the drain, is picking a fight with Florida. The Sunshine State is thriving, while California is failing. People are fleeing to Florida, while major CA cities are overrun with crime and homelessness.
Yet Newsom has the gall to pretend like his state is doing great when fears persist that they can’t even keep the lights on.
Author: Mac Davis