According to a story on, under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the horrific practice of child sex trafficking increased.
Some of the harms perpetrated on young migrants during Biden’s border chief Alejandro Mayorkas’ term were detailed by
“When I spoke with Landon Dickeson, the 36-year-old executive director of Bob’s House of Hope in Denton, Texas—the only shelter in the nation for male victims of sex trafficking who are 18 years of age or older—I learned that victims of sex trafficking frequently endure horrendous torture. Dickeson claims to have witnessed teenagers from South and Central America who are so traumatized by their human traffickers that they are hardly able to function. Dickeson wrote about tending to teenagers who have been drugged so severely that they have mental damage. These teenagers have had their fingernails ripped out and have had lemon juice applied to wounds. Dickeson said that they were just not in a fit state to talk to anyone, much less a reporter, when I asked to meet with one of their migrant residents. Dickeson stated, “We believe that the gangs and cartels utilize torture as a method of control for the males.” “If they drug their victims, beat them up a lot, or bind them to a radiator, they won’t fight back.”
Young migrants who are beholden to smugglers and the trafficking groups they are associated with in the United States may be compelled to endure abuse and prostitution. The banks holding the loans have the right to seize their farms and homes if they are unable to make payments on their obligations.
When TheFreePress requested the data under the Freedom of Information Act, the Department of Health and Human Services posted the growing number of incidents of young people being trafficked for sex. After escaping sex traffickers, the agency is in charge of verifying and providing Certification and Eligibility Letters to the children and teenagers.
As per Alejandro Mayorkas’ welcoming policies, the agency sent out 1,143 letters in 2021, 2,226 letters in 2022, and 2,148 letters in 2024. Ever since the first week of September 2023, the agency has not released any data.
Since October 2020, the incomplete data totals 5,517 letters, or 1,8,37 letters year on average.
The average annual number of letters sent under President Donald Trump was 562, which is less than one-third of the record set under the leadership of progressives who support immigration.