How pathetic is this failed administration? Well, for one thing, they refuse to accept responsibility for anything it does. It really seems like Biden and his joke of a staff are living in a fantasy world. Remember when he left the Taliban take over Afghanistan and the State Department scrambled to evacuate Americans from the country? Thirteen Americans dead (and hundreds of Afghans) and we left behind approximately 9,000 U.S. citizens.
Yet Biden’s press secretary had the gall to claim it was the biggest and most successful evacuation in American history.
Biden is responsible for many other problems, most of which are hitting hard back home. His reckless policies and total lack of leadership have led to historic inflation. A gas crisis, worker shortages, and supply chain problems further contribute to rising prices for nearly everything imaginable. That includes everyday necessities like groceries.
Once again, the administration refuses to acknowledge it. In fact, they are blaming the meat companies of profiteering.
Honestly, you can’t make this BS up.
As of December 2021, consumer prices were rising at a 7% pace — leading to higher grocery prices and tighter budgets for many American families. Rather than pointing to federal spending or loose monetary policy, Democratic officials have placed the blame on supermarkets and meat companies for trying to earn higher profits.
Psaki repeated the same claims on Tuesday afternoon.
“Just four large conglomerates control the majority of the market for beef, pork, and poultry products, and the data show … that there have been increases in meat prices while the companies have generated recent record profits,” Psaki said in response to a reporter during her press briefing. [Source: Daily Wire]
What a load of horse sh*t. During the pandemic, Americans feared if they’d even have meat to eat. Meatpacking facilities were closing down over COVID fears. Many worried that groceries would run out. Did the government step in and do anything to help? Not that we’re aware of. Now, Biden is actively making it harder for these companies to get meat out the door.
Yet Psaki has the gall to blame the people trying to help for high prices.
Let’s explain to Psaki—a member of a presidential administration—how inflation works. Joe Biden pumped the U.S. economy with over 1 trillion new dollars. That sudden influx of new cash lowered the value of a dollar. That meant everything was going to cost more. Including meat.
Add to that the fact that Biden was responsible for keeping people home instead of going to work, making it harder for food companies to provide meat, etc. The lack of truckers and grocery store workers also made it very hard to get meat to consumers. Even the rising cost of gas (directly Biden’s fault) made it more expensive to ship meat to stores.
Yet Psaki went on and on talking about how much ranchers are getting paid. They’d be getting paid a lot more if Biden wasn’t president, we know that much.
Author: Jim Green