Conservatives on social media blasted the Biden regime after it revealed the formation of a “Disinformation Governance Board,” calling it the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth.”
The Biden admin. is unleashing 10-15 million additional barrels of oil from emergency reserves in a pitiful and vile attempt to temporarily cut gas prices in order to prevent crushing losses in the midterm elections.
Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News reported the story.
Furthermore, Biden may limit gasoline exports in an effort to retain more energy in the United States. They are anticipated to carry out this approach following the midterm elections. The United States currently has the lowest supply of diesel in its reserves since 1982.
“The cost of gasoline remains too high, and we must keep trying to bring it down,” Biden stated during a campaign stop in Los Angeles last week.
Big League Politics recently reported on how the Biden admin. is purposefully hiking energy prices in order to crush American wealth as part of their green religion of reducing carbon emissions.
“Goodbye, peasant, your gasoline automobile! Middle and working-class Americans need to brace their wallets because the move away from fossil fuels is far overdue and cannot happen quickly enough,” according to Biden’s Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm.
In a recent video, Biden’s energy secretary stated, “Right now, we are seeing the start of perhaps one of the most monumental events in mankind’s history. Transition to Clean Energy.”
Granholm stated in March that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine demonstrated that Americans are in an “important moment” to shift to “clean energy.” According to The Post Millenial, these remarks come amid record-high gasoline prices, unparalleled inflation, an ongoing supply chain issue, and a likely impending recession.
The demands of Biden’s energy secretary to alter the American energy sector are not unique. Joe Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry has also repeatedly expressed his views on the topic, saying in July, “The challenge that we all face now is that no single country can tackle this problem alone.” We must all be able to decrease emissions and hasten the transition.” Kerry made the public statement after recently flying in a private plane, which creates significantly more pollutants than the average American vehicle.
Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg has previously spoken on so-called “green energy,” famously encouraging “Americans facing financial difficulties as a result of record-high gasoline prices to just purchase an electric vehicle.” Buttigieg has also claimed that “American infrastructure is racist.”
The Biden administration is committing treason by draining the country’s oil reserves, which should only be utilized in an emergency, in order to conceal the terrible effects of their country’s energy strategy and trick people into keeping them in office. For America to ever be great again, this illegitimate dictatorship must be brought to justice.
Author: Blake Ambrose