As usual, Democrats have used recent tragedies to push their extreme, un-American agenda. Unwilling to even let families mourn the loss of loved ones, Democrats immediately started pushing for gun control after the events at Uvalde, TX.
And, as usual, the left ignored all common sense and statistics to bang a drum they know doesn’t work. No state with strict gun control is safe. Violent crime in gun control areas is always higher than in states that protect this right. There are always much larger factors that contribute to shootings; gun control has never shown to make a difference.
(That includes the shooting in Uvalde, as more evidence emerges.)
But don’t let facts and knowledge get in the way of the left’s agenda. Hard leftist Michael Moore was on his soapbox again (if he can find one to support him), going beyond even the most insane politicians.
Leftist activist and filmmaker Michael Moore used his Friday podcast “Rumble Michael Moore” to call for a full repeal of the Second Amendment in the wake of the Uvalde, TX school shooting…
He continued, “I make no apologies for it because I understand the history of this country, and I don’t think we should be afraid to say this. Repeal the Second Amendment. Repeal the Second Amendment.”
He concluded, “…I don’t know what they think they are going to use that gun for… If you’re afraid of somebody breaking in, get a dog. You don’t need a gun. You have a greater chance of harming yourself or others in your family with that gun in the house.” [Source: Breitbart]
Wow, do you see that, gun owners? You don’t need a gun—just get a dog!
It’s utterly pathetic how uninformed and idiotic this “filmmaker” is. But, in reality, he knows very well why the founding fathers gave us guns. He is simply blinded by his overbearing partisan politics to acknowledge that fact.
The Second Amendment was written so we can hunt, shoot at targets, or even defend our homes from criminals.
It was included in the Bill of Rights as a means for the American people to protect themselves from an unjust and tyrannical government. Hell, even Dave Chappelle knows this. When the First Amendment fails, as tyrants try to rob us of our free speech, we have firearms to stand against a government that would rob us of life, liberty, and property.
That’s exactly why Democrats are making it so hard to get a gun—and ammo. Should another COVID come along (or war or other crisis), they will easily declare martial law—deciding what you can or can’t do.
We all know they are capable of it—that’s the very thing they did in 2020. If it weren’t for red states to push back, we’d still be in lockdown.
Moore understands this. But he doesn’t even acknowledge it in his rant, because it would prove him wrong. He wants a society of people defenseless—not from criminals—but from a corrupt government. He is a radical socialist in the vein of Bernie Sanders, AOC, and Joseph Stalin.
You don’t need a gun? The very fact he says this proves otherwise.
Author: Mac Davis