The moment Joe Biden entered office, he started pushing a radical agenda. He seemed to immediately cave to the far left and embraced whatever idiotic notion they had. That includes his “green,” anti-energy, anti-American policies. Biden canceled leasing federal land to oil and gas companies. He killed the Keystone XL pipeline. And he ended drilling in ANWR. More than that, he pushed heavy regulations, fees, and fines that crippled America’s energy independence.
But today, Biden wants you to believe that gas didn’t start skyrocketing until Putin invaded Ukraine. Biden’s failed administration is claiming gas is so high, because of sanctions on Russian oil. Even though, Biden didn’t ban Russian oil until a week or so after Putin’s invasion. The truth is, gas prices have been rising for months. Putin had nothing to do with it.
And now, even CNN is admitting Americans are not buying Biden’s latest lie.
CNN anchor Abby Phillip said that despite the White House’s attempts to rebrand the most recent and dramatic increases in gas prices as the “Putin Price Hike” — bound entirely to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine — the American people do not appear to believe that…
“Take a look at this Quinnipiac poll. Americans just don’t buy that this is related to the war in Ukraine, and most of it, frankly, is not. 41% say it’s Biden’s policies, just 24% say the war in Ukraine. 24% also say the oil and gas companies are raising prices. But the White House is trying to do both, blame Putin, blame the oil and gas companies, but Americans just don’t agree.” [Source: Daily Wire]
This is the closest you’ll get to seeing CNN criticize a Democrat president (funny, how this happened after they fired Jeff Zucker). Abby Phillip ripped the wool off of Biden’s eyes when she referenced a poll proving Americans blame Joe Biden for the gas crisis. Only a fraction of voters really believe Biden’s excuse that it has something to do with Putin.
It’s pretty despicable and underhanded, what Biden is doing. Think about it. He is responsible for crippling gas prices. Working families have to pay almost double what they were paying just a year ago. Those who depend on transportation for their jobs are taking home less cash, just from the gas prices alone. But instead of trying to get them down (by reversing his own policies), Biden is lying to Americans by saying it’s all Putin’s fault.
That would have worked, had prices not been rising over the last nine to twelve months. For Biden and his cronies to keep pushing this lie shows just how pathetic and unqualified they are to lead. He refuses to own up to his own mistakes and would rather blame someone else. Before Putin, it was all those “greedy” oil companies—who is going to war with. Before that, it was consumers (you). Before that it was COVID.
When is Biden going to wake up and start taking responsibility? I’m not holding my breath waiting.
Author: Mac Davis