As gas prices started to skyrocket under Joe Biden, his administration offered little in the way of a solution. His energy secretary literally laughed in a reporter’s face when asked about lowering gas prices. And they’ve even admitted that they are trying to use this crisis to push their “green” agenda.
Biden himself promised to end America’s oil industry. And his administration’s unwillingness to do anything about the ongoing situation only proves that the left wants to put Americans through pain. Now, their globalists allies are calling for more pain at the pump. Why? To “save” democracy.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) released a position paper Monday that inexorably links two claimed global crises as one – “climate change” and the “decline of democracy.”
It says fighting the former can save the latter as long as consumers stop burning coal, oil, and gas in exchange for green renewables.
The WEF paper argues for the past 15 years, democracy has been in decline worldwide. To protect and promote freedom, “leading democracies must strengthen their economies and safeguard liberty.”
It goes on to say ignoring progress toward a “low-carbon economy could put democracies in greater economic peril, not less” while repeating the broader demand of environmental activists for companies to stop investing fossil fuels. [Source: Breitbart]
The world’s leading villains—I mean globalists—are claiming that “climate change” is resulting in a decline in democracy.
Of course, they do a poor job proving this. They suggest that if “leading democracies” strengthen their economies, then other countries will benefit. But apparently, the only way we can “strengthen” our economies is by eliminating a major industry that provides reliable (and cheap) energy to the world.
Explain to me how getting rid of fossil fuels is good for democracy? If anything, the rising costs of oil are only hurting economies. “Green” alternatives can’t come close to matching the energy demand.
What WEF is proposing will only further destabilize once-strong economies and their democratic systems.
The real reason democracy is declining around the world is because power-hungry globalists have exploited developing countries, preventing their citizens from prospering. As poverty spreads, the easier it is for dictators and despots to take over.
If WEF really cared about democracy, they’d embrace everything at our disposal to stabilize economies. That includes fossil fuels, which were used in the last century to stabilize and strengthen first-world countries.
But WEF is denying other countries the very resources that helped Europe, North America, and parts beyond to enter the 21st century.
Author: Bo Dogan