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GOP Failure Imminent If Leaders Ignore This Key Issue

GOP Failure Imminent If Leaders Ignore This Key Issue

“It’s immigration, stupid!”

A nationwide poll of 1,500 registered voters found that immigration was the number one issue that most voters wanted Congress and/or the president of the United States to address.

The poll also found that voters are more likely to trust Republicans in Congress than Democrats to fix the immigration system and secure the border.

The poll asked, “What is the most important issue that you want the President and U.S. Congress to make a priority?”

Respondents weren’t presented with options to select from. In response, and the poll remained open-ended.

Out of all respondents, 13% of voters listed some form of an immigration issue as their main concern that they wanted Congress and the president to address.

Voters’ answers included worries about the immigration system, the U.S.-Mexico border or the border in general — including closing the border — migrants, and illegal immigration.

The poll also asked voters: “Between the Democrats in Congress and the Republicans in Congress, who in your opinion is BEST ABLE to handle each of the following issues? If you think they are both equally able to handle an issue, or neither is, just say so.”

A plurality of voters — 41% — said they thought Republicans in Congress were best able to fix the immigration system while 27% said they trusted Democrats.

When asked which political party they thought was best able to secure the border, 52% of respondents said that they thought Republicans were better suited to secure the border and only 16% of respondents said they trusted Democrats in Congress.

This past spring, Banks and the RSC released a memo stating that contrary to what the Biden administration had been saying about the border crisis, “what is happening at the border is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.”

As a remedy, the RSC proposed focusing on the following four categories to restore order and secure the border alongside an overhaul of our entire immigration system:

  1. National Security: Immigration policy should protect our national security by protecting the American people from terrorism, cartels, and other threats to their safety;
  2. America First: Immigration policy should prioritize American workers first, help grow our middle class, raise wages, and enhance economic opportunity for all lawful residents well;
  3. Rule of Law: Immigration policy should respect the rule of law, along with immigrants that honor our legal immigration processes, rather than incentivize law breaking.
  4. Patriotic Assimilation: Immigration policy should aim to assimilate legal immigrants into the American family so they too can take pride in our values, history, and heritage.

In essence, Donald Trump’s entire original political platform. .

Go Figure!

Author: Asa McCue

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