You have to really be ignoring all the signs at this point if you don’t believe the Democrats are in trouble. They have over a year to prove to the country that they were the right people to lead. They have control over the House, the Senate, and the White House. Not to mention numerous state governments. And what have they done to America, over the last few years?
They tanked the economy, triggered inflation, sparked a gas crisis, opened the border, and helped spread chaos overseas. Thanks to Joe and his cronies, Americans suffered nearly two years of lockdowns, mandates, canceled children’s educations, and worse. And now, all polling suggests Democrats are about to suffer big time. Even the liberal media can see it, even if Joe can’t. But their reasoning still proves the left has no clue what to do.
Since the beginning of the year, liberal media networks MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC have expressed concerns that the GOP will triumph over Democrats in the 2022 midterms, with many hosts asking how President Biden can save the party from an impending bloodbath…
Chuck Todd sounded the alarm on Democrats’ dwindling chances of victory in November with a “Midterm meter” that placed the president’s party in the “shellacking” category, below bad, decent, and exceptional…
On ABC, “The View” co-host Joy Behar said she would be “very worried” if Republicans take over the House and the Senate following the midterms, claiming that it would spell doom for the U.S.
“That would be the end of the country—the beginning of the end for this country,” she said in January. [Source: Fox News]
Liberal pundits are smart enough to see that Democrats are in big trouble this November. All signs point to voters removing Democrats from power and giving Republicans a majority in Congress (not to mention big wins in state and local races). Yet, they still refuse to admit the real reason Democrats are facing such losses.
Some leftists in the news think Joe Biden can turn it all around. They constantly talk about how Joe can help Democrats win big. Um… have they been paying attention? It’s because of Joe’s horrible presidency that Democrats are so screwed. It’s because Democrats haven’t been stopping Joe that they are facing big losses.
Others, like the genius Joy Behar, claimed that if Republicans won it would be the “end for this country.” Yes, because Republicans have never been in charge of the country before. By “end” does she mean a border that is actually being secured, inflation fixed, gas prices lowered, leadership overseas, and lower taxes and spending? Yeah, what a nightmare, huh?
It’s that kind of arrogance and stupidity that is everywhere on the left. And the very reason they will lose big in November. These liberal elitists look down on regular Americans, refusing to understand our challenges and concerns. Hell, they get upset when we don’t want public school teachers telling our children about homosexuality.
And they wonder why they are losing?
Author: Kit Fargo