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Psaki Bypasses Biden’s Authority, Makes Vicious Statements Without His Permission

Psaki Bypasses Biden’s Authority, Makes Vicious Statements Without His Permission

The fallout of Joe Biden’s inability to pass his reckless spending bill is rippling through the Democratic Party. Because they had to “shelve” this toxic agenda until next year means it will most likely never see the light of day. Instead of admitting it was a bad piece of legislation that would have crippled our country, they are blaming the one man sane enough to stop them, Sen. Joe Manchin.

Manchin hails from a conservative, pro-Trump state. He knew that if he supported this socialist bill, West Virginia voters would have found themselves a new senator. And, unlike the idiots that make up the rest of the Senate Democrats, he refused to support Biden’s terrible proposal. When news hit that they would not be passing this bill before Christmas, Democrats came out with knives drawn for Manchin.

But shockingly, one statement from the White House wasn’t from Joe Biden. Jen Psaki, the unimpressive standard-bearer for this failed presidency, was the one to slam Manchin.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki issued a statement Sunday accusing Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) of reversing his position and breaching commitments made to President Joe Biden when he said on “Fox News Sunday” that he could not move forward with the Build Back Better Act…

She went on to say that the White House would continued to pressure Manchin to change his position, adding, “Just as Senator Manchin reversed his position on Build Back Better this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again, to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word.” [Source: Daily Wire]

It’s not uncommon for a White House spokesperson to issue statements for the administration. But, oddly, Psaki came out with such a vicious and insulting statement, in her words, not the “president’s.” Instead of Joe Biden addressing this development, Psakit took it upon herself to blast Manchin—who is simply standing up for his convictions and protecting the people of West Virginia.

One of the more shocking lines from Psaki’s statement is when she accused Manchin of forcing WV residents of paying $1,000 a month for insulin, claiming Biden’s bill would have lowered the price to $35. Psaki, taking on an inappropriately combative stance against a senator, is ignoring the fact that many medical products are so expensive, because of Obamacare. Drug companies hiked up prices, to extort the government. It had nothing to do with Manchin or Biden’s bill—which would have made inflation worse and risen the cost of most products.

Psaki ignores the fact that Biden’s radical bill included many, many parts of the “Green New Deal,” including measures that would have crippled the coal industry. You know, that major industry that employs millions of West Virginians? The same ones who have medical insurance to pay for that insulin, because they still have jobs thanks to Manchin?

(Let’s not forget that it was Joe Biden who promised to destroy the coal and oil industries, which would have decimated states like West Virginia. None of his socialist welfare programs could make up for that.)

Why is Psaki taking on a role that Joe Biden should be doing? The press secretary only has to speak for Biden, not speak in place of him. Yet this confused, disorganized, and pathetic excuse of an administration continues to do things like this. Biden is asleep at the wheel, so others are doing his job for him. Poorly, I might add.

Author: Alexander Jones

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