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Second Amendment In Peril As Biden Deals The Ultimate Blow

Second Amendment In Peril As Biden Deals The Ultimate Blow

On Wednesday, Joe Biden will lay bare his intentions to criminalize all gun ownership, seriously jeopardizing the Second Amendment rights granted to every law-abiding American citizen.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed some of the content in Biden’s harrowing speech, claiming “a great deal of the crime we’re seeing is a result of gun violence and gun violence alone.”

During her diatribe Psaki cites St. Louis and New York City as examples of skyrocketing gun violence in the past year. What she conveniently fails to mention is the restrictive gun laws already in place in NYC, forcing law-abiding residents to pay huge fees and jump through major hoops to obtain a gun license.

Democrats face a major political hurdle as Biden will be forced to acknowledge the rise in crime is largely a result of his party’s policies. The violent crime that occurred under his watch cannot go ignored, and Democrats are scrambling to assemble proper messaging for their failure.

According to the latest FBI data, the murder rate has risen of 25% and violent crime another 3% under Biden’s tutelage.

Republican voters and the politicians that represent them place all the blame for last summer’s violent destruction of major American cities on the Democrats’ embrace of the radical Left’s anti-police agenda. Democrat politicians too every opportunity to promote the Black Lives Matter movement, which added fuel to the already enflamed cities.

A poll released in May showed that 73 percent felt safer under Trump, saying they believe crime is higher in 2021 under President Joe Biden.

In an attempt to evade any blame, Psaki revealed that Biden plans to highlight the rising level of gun violence during Trump’s reign.

“The rise in crime has been taking place in the past five years, but more fervently in the last 18 months,” Psaki said, trying to pass blame from Biden to Trump.

However, Psaki’s claims simply cannot stand up to hold hard data. Nationwide, 37 cities have reported at least an 18% increase in murders in the first three months of 2021 compared to the same time last year.

In other words, murder rates are skyrocketing under Biden’s leadership and were not under Trump’s.

Biden has been quiet about his concern about the “defund the police” movement so popular with the Radical Left wing of his party. He’s privately mentioned to advisers that he believes the movement is hurting the Democrats politically.

Biden said Civil Rights groups should not “get too far ahead ourselves on dealing with police reform.”

“They will beat the living hell out of nationwide if we keep saying that we’re going to defund the police,” Biden admitted in December 2020.

However, during his campaign for the White House in 2020, Biden repeatedly favored a “redistribution” of police funds, essentially supporting the “defund the police” movement using tricky political maneuvering.

The Left’s anti-police rhetoric has made a significant impact in local police departments, many of which struggle to recruit new officers and many are fleeing do to the violent attacks against them.

But this isn’t the first the Biden has blamed gun violence for the rise in crime. Calling it an “epidemic” in a speech earlier this year while vowing to push for more control legislation.

When asked about the Second Amendment challenged, Biden said, “No Amendment to the Constitution is absolute.”

This sentiment alone should concern every American.

Author: Nolan Sheridan

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