Donald Trump is not letting Joe Biden get away with his disastrous military blunders unscathed.
The events currently underway in Afghanistan would have never happened under his leadership.
The Taliban has completely taken over the country, mocked the U.S., and even threatened Joe Biden without any retaliation or show of force on our part; we’ve simply become the laughing stock of the entire world.
Meanwhile, our enemies — Russia and China — have seized on the opportunity to expose America’s current weakness under Joe Biden’s leadership. The collapse of Afghanistan under his watch have inspired our biggest adversaries to act in a manner never allowed under Commander in Chief Donald Trump.
Now the Former President is exposing all of Biden’s weaknesses along the way as the United States experiences a fall from grace never before seen in modern history.
On Monday, Joe Biden caught the ire of Former President Donald Trump. He released a statement absolutely scorching the current president for the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
Biden’s biggest mistake was not understanding that the Military has to be last out the door, not first out the door. Civilians and equipment go first and then, when everyone and everything is out, the Military goes.
— Tom McGovern (@jefe_viejo) August 23, 2021
In contrast to Trump, Biden has said that the consequences of such a withdrawal were unavoidable.
'The evacuation of thousands of people from Kabul is going to be hard and painful no matter when it started,' President Joe Biden said in a briefing at the White House
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 23, 2021
”It’s just a fact. My heart aches for those people you see. We are proving that we can move, though, thousands of people a day out of Kabul.”
Biden’s own administration has revealed the opposite.
Again, on Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke at a press conference stating that she expects there to be a report on what went wrong in the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Vice President Kamala Harris said during a visit to Singapore that the U.S. was focusing on evacuation efforts taking place in Afghanistan and that there would be plenty of time to analyze the context of the troop withdrawal
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 23, 2021
She continues to push the lie that U.S. is “solely focused on evacuation” even though the efforts remained stalled, and many report harrowing tragedies as they attempt to flee the country.
Author: Asa McCue