
News stories from Sons of 1776 are headlines that cover current events, political news, the latest election stories, and other reports that cover critical issues. When a story affects your American rights or way of life, we’ll be here to report on it.

Our team is dedicated to delivering headlines that help you stay posted on news from all over the U.S. and around the world. We report fairly, from a conservative perspective, so you know what’s happening throughout the week.

Inside Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Darkest Military Secrets

If these reports are true, and they likely are, Biden should be impeached immediately and tried as a war criminal. His negligence and dereliction...

Pelosi Faces Her Greatest Challenge Yet — And Totally Fails

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, recently celebrated Women's Equality Day in San Francisco, though she made absolutely zero mention of the bombings...

Ashli Babbitt Murderer Defends Actions In Disturbing Interview

A cold-blooded killer was allowed to justify his decision to murder a U.S. veteran and Trump suppo Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd, a 28-year veteran of...

Biden’s Post-Terrorism Speech Ends In Total Disaster

Joe Biden is watching his presidency crumble into ruin in real time. And he’s only got himself to blame. The events that took place yesterday...

Biden Gives The Taliban Everything They Need To Win

On the heels of a pair of ISIS suicide bombings, reports have emerged that imply the Taliban and the U.S. knew more than they're...

Biden War On Energy Independence Comes To Screeching Halt

The tides are turning for the Biden administration. Time and again, the courts are finding his far-left agenda incompatible with the law. From immigration...

Kamala Claims Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal Is a ‘Success’ – It Doesn’t End Well For...

As the chaos continues to unfold in Afghanistan, it appears the White House is changing tactics. From the very start Idiot Joe refused to take...

GOP Leaders Vow Retaliation For Biden’s Military Blunders

It's just a matter of time before Biden is forced to answer for the utter disaster and devastation he caused in Afghanistan. The top Republicans...

Trump Turns The Tables On Pelosi — She’ll Never Mess With Him Again

Nancy Pelosi is going to face an arduous battle if she pushes forward with her attacks on Donald Trump's rights as Former President. The witch...

Nancy’s Democrats Seek To Destroy American Democracy Once And For All

Decades and decades of Democrat control is the likely conclusion to Nancy Pelosi's evil plan to federalize the U.S. election process. On Tuesday, House Democrats...

Biden Insults Japan – His Outrageous Comment Revealed

In an unusual speech this week, President Joe Biden, 81, said that China, Russia, and Japan are all "xenophobic." Japan, a steadfast friend of the...

Blue-State Wasteland – And Dems Want MORE?

After years of population loss, California announced the biggest immigration-related population increase since 2020. The state's Department of Finance (DOF) published a report indicating that...

Nighttime Raids – Did NYPD Go Too Far?

This week, under cover of darkness, police from the New York Police Department stormed anti-Israel protests at City University of New York and Columbia...