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U.S. Army Leaders Illegally Double Down On Vaccines

U.S. Army Leaders Illegally Double Down On Vaccines

On December 23, President Biden signed the horrifying National Defense Authorization bill of 2023 into law, and one of its provisions was to reverse the Defense Dept.’s policy of administratively punishing and releasing service members who declined to take any part in what can only be described as an unconsented clinical trial of the COVID vaccine where no kind of informed consent was ever sought.

The Branch COVIDians’ recalcitrance in running the US Army was one thing Congress never anticipated.

When you cut through the nonsense, the Army is stating that while the NDAA makes reference to the memo from Aug. 24, 2021, it says nothing about the memo from Nov. 30, 2021, which forbids paying Reservists and Guardsmen called up by state authorities unless they are immunized.

As fewer and fewer men, especially those from working-class and Southern backgrounds, are willing to serve in an institution that openly discriminates against straight white men, all components of the Army are already suffering from a crippling manpower shortage. The 10% of Guard and Reserve soldiers who have refused to participate in the experiment will not be paid while on duty, which will hasten attrition in those components.

There is no mistake here. As noted in Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt Dropkicks National Guard General Who Bowled to Lloyd Austin’s Stupid Vaccine Requirement and Pentagon Continues to threaten to Downsize the Oklahoma National Guard to a “State Militia” Unless they Comply With the Vaccine Requirement, the Nov. memo was specifically directed at state governors that refused to permit enforcement of the federal vaccine requirement. The Army has been forced to back down on the active duty requirement, but it will not give up on the mandate for the Reserve and Guard. Because if they did, they would become much more of a laughingstock than those who supported this program already are.

The Army will eventually have to give up on its bizarre reading of the NDAA. Because a) if Defense does not comply voluntarily, they will be ordered to do it, and b) neither party in Congress wants to be ordered to FOAD by an executive agency, the Department of Defense will not defy a new and potentially unfriendly House majority over something as petty.

This is all related to two issues. Since Desert Storm, Congress has indulged the Defense Department, allowing it to act out and get its way. Both parties provide general commanders a great deal of attention, and in my opinion, they frequently veer off course on a variety of topics. The military leadership has also embraced all forms of progressive nonsense, from programs that explicitly support transgenderism to Critical Race Theory and Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity. The US military’s capacity to recruit new members and perform its duties has been called into doubt due to this attitude of entitlement and allegiance to whatever the progressive left is currently advocating.

The Army’s refusal to obey the Congressional intent that is outlined in the NDAA is not the issue; rather, it is a symptom of a much more serious issue. The Defense Department is no longer held responsible. The newly elected Republican House has to take action to prevent the issue from getting any worse. The next Republican president needs to borrow a page from George C. Marshall’s playbook, disregard seniority and position, and instantly replace the princely class that currently controls the Pentagon with individuals who are focused on winning and fighting wars in the military’s upper echelons.

Cori Bush gets publicly dragged for racist tweet in front of every Member of Congress

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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