If you can’t win, then cheat. If you can’t cheat, then steal. If you can’t steal, well, just change the rules!
That’s the playbook Democrats use to pass their radical progressive agenda amid a sea of Supreme Court decisions that have seriously endangered a major far-left push in the U.S.
The cognitively deficient President has cloaked his support for the widescale murder of unborn children under an urge to protect “privacy,” which applies not only to abortion but gay marriage, contraception, and other winning progressive ideals as well.
Joe Biden calls for eliminating the filibuster to legalize abortion nationwide until the moment of birth. pic.twitter.com/okoVAdgA8R
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 30, 2022
To overcome a filibuster in the Senate, lawmakers must surpass a 60-vote threshold to advance legislation. However, Biden said he would back changing those rules to pass a bill codifying abortion rights through a simple majority — conceding it may require Democrats gaining a majority in the Senate in the midterm elections to accomplish.
Still, Democrats face an uphill battle as members of their own party aren’t necessarily thrilled about the idea of ending the Senate rule. Sens. Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin have both voiced their opposition to ending the filibuster and have yet to change their stance following the SCOTUS ruling.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden hasn’t always been so eager to change the Senate rules. In 2005, for example, Biden called the idea of destroying the filibuster an “arrogance of power.”
Joe Biden, 2005: Eliminating the filibuster would be an “arrogance of power” and a “fundamental power grab by the majority party.” pic.twitter.com/qntrNuaQuN
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 30, 2022
Similarly, in 2019 when Biden was on the campaign trail, he considered changing Senate rules a “very dangerous thing to do.”
FLASHBACK to 2019: Biden says ending the filibuster is a “very dangerous thing to do.” pic.twitter.com/7qC7ZjZ8xz
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 30, 2022
So what happened?
The far-left is more emboldened than ever and their voices louder than in any other period in American history. And not just the far-left — oh, no. It’s a bastardized version of the left that’s more radical, eviler, more censorious, and more insidious than any other left-wing movement before it.
Remember when the left was fighting for free speech? Yeah, well, now it’s the opposite.
To appease these progressive outcries, Biden has changed his mind on the filibuster issue in an attempt to salvage what little support he has left. His own party members are turning against him and the radical coalition of House Democrats have begun jockeying for more influence. Biden has no other choice but to follow suit.
Author: Ann Taylor