Joe Biden is a Catholic in the same way Elizabeth Warren is a Native American — it’s purely for political purposes.
The cognitively deficient president so badly wants to be a reincarnation of John F. Kennedy that he’s even willing to role play as a devout Catholic despite going against the very fundamentals of the Church.
On Wednesday, Catholics around the world kicked off the Lent season by showing up to church and receiving ashes. The ashes serve as a reminder that “You are dust and you will return as dust.” It’s a symbolic way to atone for one’s sins in preparation for fasting, giving to charity, and praying, before Easter.
While most Catholics were celebrating Ash Wednesday, Joe Biden — supposedly a devout Catholic — reaffirmed his support for abortion on demand up until the day of birth. The Roman Catholic Church prohibits the faithful from supporting the murder of the unborn.
Always the politician, Joe is willing to abandon this key tenant of Catholicism to maintain support from the radical left who’s sick obsession with abortion alienates even moderate liberals.
An unnamed reporter asked the president in front of the White House why he supports abortion and Roe v. Wade as a Catholic.
“Well I tell you what,” Biden said with a pause, “I don’t want to get in a debate with you on theology, but you know …”
Biden, clearly annoyed by the question, was stopped short from going into what appeared to be a longer answer after the first lady Jill Biden pulled him away from the press.
REPORTER: "As a Catholic, why do you support abortion?"
BIDEN: "I don't want to get in a debate with you on theology, but you know…I'm not going to make a judgement for other people."
REPORTER: "But you're Catholic!"
— (@townhallcom) March 2, 2022
On Ash Wednesday!
As the video shows, the president could be seen with ashes on his forehead as Catholics traditionally attend an Ash Wednesday mass or a distribution of ashes with the marking reminding Catholics of their death and their need for repentance.
During Lent, Catholics are supposed to sacrifice something or take on additional spiritual or charitable practices to prepare them for the celebration Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to Catholic Church teaching.
Despite Biden’s claim that he did not want to get into a “theological debate,” there is absolutely zero debate on the abortion issue in the Church’s eyes. It’s wrong. Period. Ending an innocent life is a mortal sin and should remain that way.
As president, Biden has taken steps to increase the number of abortions in the world such as rescinding the Mexico City Policy which banned the use of U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding abortions overseas.
Pure evil!
Author: Nolan Sheridan