
News stories from Sons of 1776 are headlines that cover current events, political news, the latest election stories, and other reports that cover critical issues. When a story affects your American rights or way of life, we’ll be here to report on it.

Our team is dedicated to delivering headlines that help you stay posted on news from all over the U.S. and around the world. We report fairly, from a conservative perspective, so you know what’s happening throughout the week.

Reporters Are Officially Fed Up With Biden’s Secrecy

You know a Democrat administration is in peril when the mainstream media no longer blindly supports it. On multiple occasions, Biden and administrations officials have...

Biden Gives Top GOP Governor The Silent Treatment

Since January of this year, a rush of illegal aliens has tried to enter the country. The moment Joe Biden removed Donald Trump’s protections,...

Biden Sacrifices National Security To Please Communist Allies

In less than one year, Joe Biden has completely reversed America's reputation amongst world leaders. Instead of strength, we have weakness; instead of force, we...

Desperate For Support, Biden Ramps Up Third World Migration

The Democrats know they're in trouble. Americans are vocalizing their dismay over the policies set forth by the current ruling party. No one supports...

Even CNN Knows Biden Is Destroying America’s Credibility

That's when you know it's bad. As Biden fails miserably both at home and abroad, a radical shift must be made to regain his political...

Biden Drowning In Shame – Flees From Questions About His Biggest Mistake

There’s no other way to put it, Biden’s administration is an abject failure. He promised to be a better leader than Donald Trump, but...

Biden’s Radical Amnesty Plans Go Down In Flames

Democrats are running out of time to get their radical, un-American agenda through Congress. With each passing day, another disaster blasts a hole in...

Breaking: Another Massive Blow Rocks Biden Admin

As each day passes, it seems the Biden administration is rocked with another scandal or setback. His legislative agenda is in constant peril, and...

Biden Caught Doing The Unthinkable As America Crumbles

Joe Biden's ability to casually vacation while the country he's purported to lead crumbles around him tells you everything you need to know. As...

Fake News Gives Biden a Free Pass, Despite Endless Scandals

While Trump hammered this message into our head - and continues to do so - it bears repeating: The Mainstream Media is the enemy...

Blue-State Wasteland – And Dems Want MORE?

After years of population loss, California announced the biggest immigration-related population increase since 2020. The state's Department of Finance (DOF) published a report indicating that...

Nighttime Raids – Did NYPD Go Too Far?

This week, under cover of darkness, police from the New York Police Department stormed anti-Israel protests at City University of New York and Columbia...

Watch: Jerry Seinfeld Has Had ENOUGH Of Liberalism

During a weekend interview, comedian Jerry Seinfeld attacked the extreme left, accusing one specific group of eliminating comedy on television and in movies. During a...