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Elon Musk Declares War On George Soros

Elon Musk Declares War On George Soros
In a recent article, I discussed how Twitter’s founder Elon Musk didn’t give a damn about the leftist media’s outrage at his views expressed throughout an interview with David Faber of CNBC.

In addition to denouncing electoral meddling, including the suppressing of Hunter Biden’s laptop, he stood by his remarks against liberal billionaire George Soros. Musk likened Magneto from The X-Men to George Soros. Soros sought to “erode the basic fabric of human civilization,” he said in his statement. Soros despises people. It is difficult to argue with Musk’s judgment when you consider the damage that the progressive prosecutors he assisted in electing have caused. Because the prosecutors don’t hold criminals totally responsible for their conduct, instability, and crime have increased.

During the interview, CNBC’s David Faber questioned him on why he would name-drop Soros, and Musk’s answer is just amazing.

Why share it, Faber inquires, and Musk’s expression tells it all. He gave Faber a triangular-headed stare. In essence, Faber is suggesting that you should avoid speaking in a way that would irritate liberals and that you should modify your words. Musk, though, was not having it. He said that he would say anything he felt like saying and used the line from “The Princess Bride” to support his claim: “Offer me power, offer me money, I do not care.” He said, “I will say whatever I want, and if the result is that I lose money, then so be it.” It’s very reassuring to watch folks resist when the leftist media presses them, but Musk just wouldn’t.

Because the left disapproves of any legitimate criticism of Soros, Musk was branded “anti-Semitic” for having the audacity to do so. That is a defensive tactic since they can’t really explain the damage caused by the unwise policies Soros promotes. However, claiming there is “anti-Semitism” when none exists devalues the anti-Semitism that does exist. With this weak kind of defense, the left is doing that.

But now that Musk is retracting his comments after receiving a lot of backlash, it’s great.

Along with witnessing himself being red-pilled in real-time, one of the things that render Musk such a compelling character for someone to write about is his sense of humor. Individuals in positions of power seldom ever exhibit that type of unguarded behavior. He demonstrated it once again as he doubled down and finished the entire thing off with a humorous tweet.

He’s not giving up at all; he’s adhering to his principles, which is a terrific quality to have when the left turns on you as they have for him. The left often has a tendency to make people collapse but he instructs them to beat sand. He has contributed to making Twitter more enjoyable and open to free expression, which is a significant improvement over how it previously was. The left despises him so much because of this. He’s standing his ground, though.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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