The media is frantically trying to avoid calling the killer a terrorist in the wake of the horrific assault on a Tennessee Christian school that left six people dead, including three young children. Americans lament the loss of innocent lives as a result of trans terrorism in America as the transgender community gets ready for their “Trans Day Of Vengeance,” coordinated by the Trans Radical Activist Network.
For years, the United States and Western civilization have been at war with a fanatical group that will not accept any form of criticism. Extremists promoting transgender doctrine have contaminated our educational system and public discourse with a radical belief system that aims to suppress logical arguments.
But the war that has made a mockery of our institutions and government has become noticeably more violent, as extremist rhetoric that targets people who hold different opinions is rampant and trans-identifying Americans commit mass murder at a rate that is significantly higher than that of other populations.
The most prestigious organizations in our country have fostered the violent extremism that is developing on the left. The groundwork has been laid out for an entitled, intolerant, and extremely small portion of the population to demand that everyone else in America accept their delusions or face retaliatory and punitive actions that can range from harassment and termination of employment to violence. This is due to government officials who encourage acts of violence or refuse to punish such acts appropriately, as well as the media and Big Tech billionaires who silence criticism.
The political as well as anti-Christian motivations for the barbaric murder of young children aren’t lost on Americans who have been paying attention, despite the fact that Twitter’s censors are focusing on accounts that legitimately imply the violence recently perpetrated against Christian children can be called terrorism.
Nationwide riots, bombings, and shootings in just the last few years are proof of how violent the left has become. Additionally, their belief system has integrated irrational transgender doctrine. The media has provided cover for their “mostly peaceful” violent outbursts while harassing and censoring those who hold views that contradict their irrational worldview and are founded on basic science. Meanwhile, it is very common to hear extreme, anti-Christian rhetoric.
Author: Scott Dowdy