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Mainstream Media Desperate – Now Predicting Civil War

Mainstream Media Desperate – Now Predicting Civil War

The Democrat Party and its sock-puppet media are trying harder and harder to portray Donald Trump as an existential threat to the United States and the world, as their desperation grows that embattled Joe Biden could defeat him in November’s presidential election.

On “CBS Sunday Morning” this week, for example, the network brought in 84-year-old Ted Koppel to the site of the Gettysburg Civil War to implore opponents to “consider the consequences of another Trump defeat” as opposed to only dreading his victory.

Koppel made himself look foolish by drawing parallels between Trump rallies and the festivities that preceded Fort Sumter’s surrender, and he implied that “Civil War 2” might break out if Trump lost.

It was kind of funny that Koppel opened the festivities with Chris Gwinn, the chief of education and interpretation at Gettysburg, because Koppel attempted to portray Gwinn as a modern political analyst.

“January 6th’s mini-insurrection is the most documented mini-insurrection to date, and we’re still debating what exactly happened.” Are you noticing any parallels between today’s events and what I’m observing?”

“To some extent,” Gwinn answered. “I mean, you don’t have to, if it’s too hot a potato,” Koppel retorted.

“It feels a little warm. There’s too much heat for the park’s service. My only memory of the disturbance and uprising on January 6th is the first time I saw Confederate battle flags in the corridors of Congress. They accomplished something that the Army of Northern Virginia, under Robert E. Lee, had never even come close to. The same battle flag that Virginian forces flew on this battlefield is literally present in the halls of Congress. And that is something I never expected to witness.”


The left is adamant about preying on and brainwashing low-information Democratic voters, but it could care less about disparaging the IQ of logically educated individuals. People are comparing the poorly planned Capitol riot on January 6th to the Civil War, which claimed the lives of approximately 620,000 Americans. That is absurd.

Nevertheless, Democrats see nothing but fearmongering about the horrible things Trump will do if he wins back the White House or loses it, given that Biden and congressional Democrats have nothing positive to run on.

“Does it bother you?” Koppel interrogated Gwinn. Very deeply. Gwinn replied, “Deeply.” “Because?” Koppel clearly wanted the park services officer to invent more dramatic gibberish, so he urged Gwinn to elaborate.

“That four-year conflict claimed 700,000 [620,000] lives. I think if you could go back in time and resurrect any of the Union troops, these American warriors buried in that cemetery, they would be horrified to see that flag used in that way and in that building.”

Mr. Quinn, spoiler alert: the Confederate flag will not fly at the U.S. Capitol or anyplace else in Washington, D.C., should Trump win in November.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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