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Mitch McConnell Finally Response to FBI Raid–Gives Weak Statement

Mitch McConnell Finally Response to FBI Raid–Gives Weak Statement

Almost immediately after news broke of the FBI’s egregious raid on Trump’s home, Republican leaders responded. They were outraged that the left would abuse the power of the DOJ to harass a former president over questionable accusations. Even Never-Trumpers admitted this move fired up previously “cooling” Republicans, who are now eager to support the 45th president.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy immediately issued a statement, vowing to question the attorney general over this raid. Other Republican lawmakers demanded answers, appearing on cable news to express their disgust, not to mention statements on social media.

Someone suspiciously quiet? The top Republican in the Senate. Almost two days passed before he issued a response. And it was far from legitimate.

Although the raid on Mar-a-Lago occurred Monday, McConnell said nothing all day Tuesday. In fact, when asked to comment on it Tuesday, he refused.

Then, at long last, Tuesday night, the Senate Republican leader — no doubt under pressure — found the time in his schedule to comment on an event that will almost certainly be remembered as one of the most corrupt acts of law enforcement in this country’s history:

“Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice should already have provided answers to the American people and must do so immediately.”

Oh, and he “called for a ‘thorough and immediate explanation,’” according to the Hill. [Source: Breitbart]

The man who once strongly supported Trump’s judicial nominees was totally silent about this unprecedented (and possibly illegal) FBI raid of his home. He had to be pressed by reporters to finally say something.

But all he said was that the DOJ should have provided answers. That’s it. He didn’t express anger or disgust that the Biden administration has weaponized the DOJ to persecute its political rivals.

Keep in mind, that McConnell threw Trump under the bus after the 2020 Election. He accused the 45th president of all kinds of things—things that were not provable. But now we have a clear act by Democrats to go after one of their political opponents—a shocking attack on our democracy—and Mitch doesn’t seem to care.

Critics were quick to slam McConnell’s reaction. Laura Ingraham called it “Limp & Late.” Mark Levin said it was “Weak and pathetic.”

Here, in contrast, was House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s immediate response to the raid:

“I’ve seen enough. The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization. When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned. Attorney General Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar.”

Which Republican leader in Congress do you think has Trump’s back? Which one do you trust to lead the party and defend Americans’ rights?

If you said McCarthy over McConnell, you’ve got it right.

It seems like McConnell is worse than a RINO. At least RINOs pretend to care about our country and their party. McConnell is not even trying to hide his disdain for Trump and the GOP. His weak, unacceptable response proves he’d rather have crooks like Biden and Garland running our country than honest men.

Author: Kit Fargo

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