A study from Rasmussen Reports and American Thinker shows that former President Trump is ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris by five points in North Carolina.
According to the poll, which was done by Pulse Opinion Research and came out this week, 51% of potential voters support Trump and 46% support Harris. In September, he had a four-point lead over her in North Carolina, with 49% to 46%. Since then, she has gained two more points.
Trump is much more likely to win with guys (56% vs. 42%), while Harris is only slightly more likely to win with women (51% vs. 47%). Also, 26% of black voters are going for the former president. Almost three out of five blacks would rather vote for Trump than Harris.
According to Rasmussen Reports, voters are very upset about the state of things in America and think Trump is the best person to fix the problems. American Thinker executive editor Andrea Widburg said this in a statement.
The poll also asked people in North Carolina what they think the most important problem in the election for president is. Three-thirds of those polled said the economy is the most important problem. Another 17% chose to protect the border, and 12% decided to have an abortion.
From October 9th to October 14th, Public Opinion Research polled 1,042 potential voters in North Carolina. The error range is ±3%.
Two other swing states—Georgia and Pennsylvania—are also important to Trump’s easiest path to the White House. North Carolina is the only swing state that he won in both 2020 and 2016. With these three states and the ones he is likely to win, Trump would have exactly 270 electoral votes, which would guarantee him a second term.
It’s also possible that North Carolina will be an important part of secondary routes. Without Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, and either Michigan or Wisconsin would put Donald Trump over the edge. He also has other options, some of which Breitbart News laid out on Monday.