Four young children were discovered residing in a Boston Housing Authority (BHA) unit that was home to drag queens, “alcohol, illicit substances, sex toys, and even a dead man,” per reports.
According to the Boston Herald:
A BFD crew was dispatched to Old Colony Avenue this week to respond to a complaint that a man had suffered a heart attack and required medical care, according to the fire department’s record acquired by the Herald and verified by police response. The city-run Mary Ellen McCormack Apartment complex is located at that address.
However, the incident report states that firemen discovered more than simply a typical medical emergency.
“The unit was in terrible shape for sanitation. They said that about 6 adults, all of whom appeared to have been male, were seen inside the apartment,” adding that they later discovered “four kids inside the back bedroom being concealed from the emergency personnel by an adult male.”
The youngsters involved in the event allegedly varied in age from five to ten.
“At around 11:11 AM, police were called to the vicinity of 381 Old Colony Ave to look into a fatality.” A Boston PD representative informed the Herald that “the district’s detectives are in charge of the case and that it isn’t suspicious.”
Michael Flaherty, an at-large city councilor, described the scenario as “sickening.”
“The apartment was filled with narcotics, booze, and sex toys, and there was also a dead corpse on the floor, according to witnesses at the scene,” Flaherty said.
The Herald was informed by many sources that “a number of the adults had been dressed like women when emergency personnel arrived at the scene.”
According to the incident report, “everyone of the adult individuals were acting uncooperatively and failed to give helpful information. All of the adults here denied that there were kids in the apartment.”
Ed Flynn, the president of the Boston City Council, denounced the “inhumane and horrible” revelation and demanded “oversight” of the BHA.
“This emphasizes the requirement for control of BHA inspection and eviction procedures, security measures in projects, and processes to guarantee children’s safety in every BHA flat,” according to Flynn.