With an early-morning tweet Sunday, Elon Musk, whose publication of Twitter’s internal messages has broken the veil on conservative censorship, pointed the finger towards a new target: Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Musk posted, “My pronouns have become Prosecute/Fauci,” one hour after another tweet warned that matters were about to “get heated.”
So far, the Twitter disclosures, conveyed in four tweet threads through reporters Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss, as well as author Michael Shellenberger, have primarily focused on Twitter’s choice to suppress the explosive Hunter Biden laptop narrative only days before the presidential election in 2020 as well as its decision to block former President Trump off of the platform.
Musk’s recent tweets could indicate that damaging information about Fauci, the govt. virologist who created COVID measures such as school shutdowns, economic closures, and masks and vaccine requirements during two administrations, would be exposed shortly.
Over the previous three years, Fauci’s supporters have raised him to god-like stature, with yard signs reading “In Fauci We Trust” and also votive candles featuring his image. However, an increasing number of critics are blaming the octogenarian face of the NIAID and now head medical adviser to Pres. Biden for obstructing an investigation into the probability that COVID was leaked out of a Chinese lab within which his department had financially supported dangerous bat virus studies, along with his heavy-handed recommendation to close businesses and schools during the pandemic.
Fauci is set to retire this month, but Republicans in both the Senate and the House have promised to look into his possible participation in the pandemic, which has taken over six million lives worldwide.
Before Musk’s $44 billion purchase of Twitter in Oct., the site consistently silenced anyone who challenged the Fauci-led federal stance on COVID. On the platform, those who raised the lab-leak idea, lamented the impact of school closures on children or questioned the planned shutdown of vast parts of the economy had been silenced.
Weiss’s Twitter Files released last week revealed that Twitter content police blocked prominent Stanford professor Dr. Jay Battacharya, an early skeptic of Fauci. Following the discovery of evidence that he had been suppressed, the startled medical professor told Fox News that such choices had a disastrous impact on society.
“We should have had an open scientific conversation about the correct COVID policy,” Bhattacharya said to Laura Ingraham of Fox News. “Imagine just how much better all the little businesses that remained open would have been, all the individuals who would not have missed their cancer scans, all the kids who would not have been miserable and suicidal, all the learning that was lost and could have been prevented if we had only had an open scientific conversation.”
“This was not a fair and free conversation,” he continued. “I believe it was censorship that contributed to the incredibly awful COVID policies and failures that we’ve witnessed over the past three years.”